Monday 15 March 2021




Prof. Jordan Peterson, psychologist, has become flavor of the decade for the conservative political right with his arguments of reason and logic that decimate the wooly theories of the prog-libs and cultural Marxist post modernists. The catalyst for his rise to prominence on social media was his refusal to indulge in the enforced terming of pronouns for the gender fluid. While in reality there are plenty of such sensible commentators about, it is to his good fortune that he has broken through into the public arena where others remain in relative obscurity  -  it's not as if reason and logic have just been discovered  -  and those others are considered by the mainstream to be far right nutters or even religious nerds who are not willing disciples of the god of Cool. And that,  - Cool  - is the light in which Peterson is apparently being seen by, of all demographic groups, generation Z. A good thing as far as it goes.

The reasonable average Joe and even your mildly activist keyboard warrior knows bullshit when he or she sees it, but articulating their position so often falls short. Enter the appealing person of Jordan Peterson who has taken up their cudgel. Up to very recent times his crusade on behalf of the bourgeoisie has concentrated on social mores and public policy such as free speech, feminism, gender theory, culture, migration policies etc. But, of late, the revered professor has begun to make public his personal views on religion. He gives every appearance of being on a spiritual journey without defining his beliefs dogmatically. And it would appear that he is taking his cult following with him [and this is not to imply that he is aligned to, or starting a cult, for I could well have said his 'fan base']. Should these followers travel the whole journey with him and enjoy the benefit from a resultant truth which is Christian [for he is touted as being a Christian], then that ought be a good result. Peterson believes in God, in Jesus, the resurrection conditionally, and the bible for a start. Why then should I express concern?

Co-incidentally, I posted a YouTube video on facebook just yesterday of Peterson talking with Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin and my comment displayed a concern that I had. As I put it, "He appears to be trying to re-invent the metaphysical wheel, and has not yet found his own answer to the perennial question of 'Why Is There Not Nothing?'" I would have thought a champion of reasoned thinking might have come to some basic answer, albeit that he already is said to have faith, notwithstanding that, as I am too aware, faith and knowledge are developmental and beg to grow. I suggested too that he appeared to be much influenced by Jung and de Chardin.  As circumstance would have it, last night my reading material included articles from The Federalist, and this article was one:

I quote:

"This, combined with his rhetorical approach and that his Canadian accent affects just enough of the exotic to tantalize Americans who assume profundity in such things, is exactly the stuff of a YouTube sensation. If that makes Christianity cool again, or helps skeptical Christians feel good and intellectual about the faith, that can’t be a bad thing. I guess.


More likely, however, Peterson is fostering our cultural Gnosticism. Consider his understanding of God, what he calls his first hypothesis: God is the abstraction of a human ideal formalized over millions of years of human development in the myths and teachings of any religion. Does an actual transcendent deity exist? Peterson leaves this “floating up in the air” (his words, in lecture one), something unfit for rational investigation."

[The article itself, and the author, begs for critique. But I will leave that for now].

The article is lengthy and I found it disturbing as Gnosticism is antithetical to Christianity. Peterson is also an evolutionist of the type that denies the Catholic Christian doctrine that God created two sentient beings who sought the "knowledge" to be as gods and their sin bastardized the perfection of all things that God had created and so required redemption to be restored as a New Earth as we find in Christ. I fear that Peterson is going the New Age road of the "proud" who ignore the tenets established over thousands of years through Tradition, Revelation and the Bible and embarking on Teilhard's road of "knowing the essence of God" as Adam sought to do, via the Cosmic Theology of either or both the collective unconscious or collective consciousness that culminates in the "Omega Point". He is entitled to ruminate and embark on his journey but it is of concern that he is taking many thousands down a dubious road to a belief system that leads away from the very God being sought. I do wish he would stick with social commentary and not publicize his esoteric beliefs.

The substance of Gnosticism and the theories of Jung, of whom he is a devotee, are too much for this article but I refer readers to search the personalities and beliefs mentioned, and I recommend the article link above from The Federalist. Should a reader do so then I also refer him to look at the bio of Richard Noll too. Noll was a critic of Jung's theories and wrote a relevant book. Prof. Peterson launched an attack on Noll, claiming that the book cover had Nazi images. It did not, and Peterson later issued an apology, so our hero is very touchy about his affinity to Jung.

We can know God here and now in various ways, experientially, by Grace, from Jesus words and actions, through prayer and so on. But, the Divine essence is indeterminate for humans, and were it not then there would be no need for faith or even maybe free will. Traditionally, theology concerning the knowability of God has been to define Him by what He is not, and somewhat by what He is, and it is only pride that thinks God can be discovered through esoteric knowledge. The temptation to eat of the tree of knowledge was too much for Adam, and it is still insistent for us. My hope is that a seemingly good man finds joy and peace for his soul in the truths of Jesus, and comes to know the efficacy of God's Grace in his life because cosmic theology and Gnosticism denies the personal Father-God who has a real and tangible love for every soul he has created. I leave readers with just one of Peterson's videos with his esoteric theories.


Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.




IT’S WAR: Doctors Vs. Bureaucrats


In defence of sovereignty and Christian values

DOCTORS’ PLEA: “Stop Lock Downs Now”. POLITICIANS SAY: “No”!!


Dr. Erickson and Dr. Massihi own and run the Accelerated Health Care facility in Bakersfield where they treat local cases of Covid-19 infections.
LISTEN TO WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT Dr. FAUCI, HEAD OF THE FEDERAL CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE. [And check out our posts on Fauci and his links to Big Pharma and what could amount to malpractice and malfeasance, along with some of his connections].
I have read many of the comments below the video and the Facebook post, and the majority are with the totalitarian bureaucracy with the encapsulated comment: “No way, I’m staying home. I don’t want to catch that virus”. It appears that the fear generated by the media has put many on the side of Big Brother’s control. Officials and media are making statements currently as I write this which indicates how much these doctors have ruffled the feathers of the totalitarians.

I’m predicting that more practicing doctors around the world will follow with similar sentiments, backed by science, data, and experience.
The reason this web site publishes many contrary opinions to the established political narrative is to supplement the monopoly of the mainstream media which always presents the plutocracy’s propaganda. Readers can view our many posts on the issue, especially: [1] 12 doctors contradict the narrative, [2] 10 more doctors speak out, and [3] Another 8 doctors speak out. We give readers the chance to look at both sides to form their own opinions. Unfortunately, this post will not reach all our readers as Facebook is withholding our posts to 4100 followers, but if you think this is important information, don’t keep it to yourself but share it.
PART 1…….

PART 2 ……..



NOTE, the population of Bakersfield is 383,000 and Dr. Erickson’s facility is the largest testing facility in the city for Covid-19

Saturday 13 March 2021




Saturday, March 13, 2021


 Islam is not Judaism's major enemy; Christianity is. This is borne out in the Jewish financing of the illegal migrant invasion of the West of Muslims whom are used to decimate various countries' cultures but can be easily defeated after the job is done. To weaken those who might stand in the way, those being the conservative male population, political and social tools are employed to subdue those who might resist. Major tools used are media propaganda and entertainment. The propaganda aligns with cultural Marxism and the bread and circuses entertainment concentrate on dulling the will and the senses through the control by addictive pornography, degradation, deviancy, political correctness, feminisation and virtue signalling. According to the Jewish principle of Tikkun Olam, the world must be decimated so that it can be rebuilt in line with Judaism to herald in the coming of God. The greatest obstacle to dissembling existing structures is the Christian culture and Western democracy. [Another target for destruction is the financial system and the economy, but this is a subject for another time]. Following is evidence that the media and entertainment industries are not just over represented by Jews, but are controlled by them. This will be but an introduction to who's who in these fields. Consider this as Part One.


If it can be said, as I have coined and long-maintained, that Fake History is the Fake News that has passed into the rear-view mirror – then only a proper exposure of the identities and motives of Fake News patriarchs from years-gone-by can allow us to correct false history and thus better understand the present. And if it can also be said, as I have also coined and long-maintained, that World War II is the foundational mythology which defines the modern world – then it becomes essential to identify the original myth-makers behind the “official” narrative of “The Good War.”
First, let us note that a full six & 1/2 years before that grand and tragic history-altering event, the leaders of International Jewry formally issued a "Declaration of War" against Germany and its new Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. On March 23, 1933, 20,000 Jews protested at New York's City Hall. Rallies and boycotts were directed against German goods. The front page of the March 24, London Daily Express carries the headline: Judea Declares War on Germany
Three days later, 40,000 Jews and other assorted Communists gathered in Madison Square Garden to protest Hitler – who hadn’t even done anything to harm anybody, except maybe a few Red terrorists who had it coming to them. The New York Daily News front page blared: "40,000 Roar Protest Here Against Hitler."
Worldwide Jewry had fired the opening economic and propaganda shots of what, in due time, would escalate into World War II. Hitler responded to the false “atrocity” charges being made against the new Germany, stating on March 28:

"Lies and slander of positively hair-raising perversity are being launched against Germany. Horror stories of dismembered Jewish corpses, gouged out eyes and hacked off hands are circulating for the purpose of defaming the German Volk in the world for the second time, just as they had succeeded in doing once before in 1914.”
Had the Jews been some powerless minority with little influence, then their declared war against Germany could be dismissed as the inconsequential barking of a dog at the moon. But with the most powerful political weapon ever known to man -- the national news media of the United States -- being mainly under their dominance, their threats against Germany were not to be taken lightly. A closer look at the “Big Four” of America’s media at the time should be enough to induce even the dimmest “newbie” on this subject to begin asking himself: “Were we lied to about Hitler and World War II?”

Let's have a look at the main media masters of the 1930s & 40s.

Six & 1/2  years before the actual shooting part of the war began, International Jewry had already declared the economic & propaganda war to be in effect -- referring to it as "a holy war to combat the Hitlerite enemies of the Jew."
* The New York Times // The Ochs-Sulzberger Family
Since its founding in 1851 by Republican Henry Jarvis Raymond, the mighty New York Times has been a big player in shaping public opinion. In 1896, the Times, -- still experiencing financial problems due to the Panic of 1893 -- took a turn to the internationalist left when it was sold on the cheap to a German-Jew named Adolph Ochs.

Ochs’ daughter was married to Arthur H Sulzberger, who became publisher when Adolph died in 1935. Sulzberger's great grandson, Arthur G Sulzberger, is the publisher of the Times today. For 125 consecutive years and counting, America’s mighty “paper of record” has been in the hands of this same Jewish-Globalist family.

1. Adolf Ochs // 2. Arthur H Sulzberger (Adolph's son-in-law)

* NBC Radio // David Sarnoff
In 1900, David Sarnoff, who was born in a small Jewish village in Tsarist Russia, immigrated to New York City. At the age of 15, he joined the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America. By 1919, Sarnoff was General Manager of RCA radio. In 1926, Sarnoff’s RCA formed NBC, the first major broadcast network in the U.S.
Sarnoff was instrumental in building the AM broadcasting radio business which became the preeminent public radio standard for the majority of the 20th century. During World War II, he would serve under General Eisenhower as a “Communications Consultant” (psychological warfare). Sarnoff, who had no military experience, would be awarded the rank of Brigadier General.
David Sarnoff and family went on to control RCA-NBC Radio & TV for more than 60 years.
Sarnoff was an immensely powerful media giant of the 20th century. He would later serve as a Psychological Warfare specialist during World War II, and was awarded the ridiculous undeserved title of “Brigadier General."

Sarnoff of NBC was decorated with the title of "Brigadier General" for his role in psych operations in Europe.

* CBS Radio // William Paloff (Paley)
William S. Paley (Paloff) was the son of Jewish immigrants who came from the Ukraine region of the Czarist Russian Empire. In 1928, the 27-year old businessman secured majority ownership of the CBS radio network (of which his father Samuel Paloff had been part owner). During the 1930’s, Paley expanded CBS into a national powerhouse with 114 affiliate stations. During World War II, Paley, like Sarnoff of NBC, Paley would also serve under General Eisenhower as a “colonel” in the Psychological Warfare branch of the Office of War Information.
As the King of the CBS radio (and later TV), Paley was without question, one of the most powerful figures of the 20th Century. With David Sarnoff already controlling RCA-NBC, and Paley now in control of CBS, the important pre-TV medium of radio was by then mainly under Jewish control. Like Sarnoff's NBC, Paley's CBS will shape what Americans believe for many years to come.

Paloff (Paley) of CBS -- like Sarnoff -- was granted a military title for helping to orchestrate propaganda and psychological war in Europe.

* The Washington Post // Eugene Meyer
Washington Post was one of many businesses to go bankrupt during the Great Depression – just like the New York Times had been struggling after the Panic of 1893. In June of 1933, owner Ned McLean unloaded The Post at a bankruptcy auction. The buyer was Jewish Federal Reserve Chairman Eugene Meyer.

Having just stepped down from the Federal Reserve; Meyer immediately changed The Post’s editorial policy, transforming the influential newspaper into a pro-FDR, anti-Germany, and soft-on-Stalin propaganda sheet.The Post will lose money for 20 more years, but Meyer didn’t care. He bought the Post for influence, not profit. The Post will later be handed down to his daughter, the late Katherine Meyer-Graham.

Eugene Meyers -- He stepped down as Federal Reserve Chairman and bought the Post.


On the eve of World War II, the four most powerful media sources in America were ALL under Jewish-Globalist anti-German ownership. Left-to-right: Washington Post: Meyer // CBS: Paley // NY Times: Ochs-Sulzberger // NBC: Sarnoff

Monday 22 February 2021




Articles on Covid-19 (2020/2021)

Thursday 18 February 2021

Critical Theory is the Real Conspiracy Theory



This op-ed is not available to Australians through Facebook, but we can post it on the Facebook 

platform via this blog site. 

Conspiracy or Reality?

To hear the media tell it, the American right is nothing but a bunch of conspiracy mongering wingnuts.

Perhaps one of the most assumed conspiracy theories is the Illuminati/Bilderberger/Trilateral Commission conspiracy, centering on a cabal of international bankers, intellectuals, and wealthy elites – mostly whites of European descent, many Jewish, some Nazi, almost exclusively male, all of whom meet in secret to plan and direct world affairs.

The Illuminati was a secret society founded in Bavaria in the late 1700’s by an empiricist law professor, Adam Weishaupt. While the stated purpose of the society was “enlightenment” and the challengedof the superstitions of the Catholic church, Weishaupt also intended to change the way European nations were run using subversive means. Supposedly linked to the Freemasons, this group has been linked to everything from the assassination of JFK, to “faked” moon landings and even the 9/11 terror attacks.

The Bilderberger Group was founded in 1954 and still exists today – it is an invitation only, annual meeting of ‘elite intellectuals’ – several hundred bankers, politicians, and leading figures from across the world meet in secret to discuss issues from around the globe “out of the public eye”. Rumors abound that the group is 1) controlled by Nazis, 2) it is working to implement one world government, 3) it controls the US Republican party and 4) it is likely run by evil dictators who are distantly related to lizards.

The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller in 1973, ostensibly to encourage economic cooperation between the United States, Japan, and Europe, but allegedly it is a secretive organization/society with the true goal of creating a system of world currency and world governance to achieve a New World Order. Don’t know if Nazi lizards run this one, but it is more or less an updated mashup of the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers.

But who needs these secret societies/groups when you have the United Nations and the World Economic Forum? These two groups are not “secret” and have proven the “conspiracy theories” are not theories but real conspiracies though things like the UN’s Davos climate forum and programs like Agenda 21. The WEF has the “Great Reset” in which they propose to eliminate capitalism and initiate world governance. Not sure if the Nazi lizards are in control or not, that remains to be seen.

The left treats these situations as “conspiracy theories” because they can use them to portray people as “nuts”, far right wingers, fringe extremists, “AltRight” or the new hotness – domestic terrorists.

How about we look at the American left for a bit?

For decades, the left has claimed that “Cultural Marxism” is a far right antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming Marxism is the basis for continuing academic and intellectual efforts to subvert Western culture, capitalism and religious freedom.

But is it a conspiracy theory?

Cultural Marxism is real, based on Critical Theory, a proposition created by the communists of the Frankfurt School (it exists). Critical Theory seeks to explain the failure of communism to overcome Western forms of governance and economics by describing every element of each obstacle to the proletarian revolution as some form of master-slave oppression. Cultural Marxism differs from Economic Marxism (where the enslavement and oppression are economic and due to capitalism) and considers the myriad of elements of traditional Western social structure the component parts of an oppressive regime.

Unsurprisingly, since communism has failed to trigger a “workers” revolution in the West, the master-slave dichotomy must be found everywhere and in everything – in marriage, Christianity, republican government, nation-states, free market enterprise, and free speech. Even the family unit is considered oppressive because marriage, husbands, wives, parents, and children form a hierarchy. Husbands and parents are the masters who oppress and exploit women and children. Under this definition of everybody being someone else’s oppressor, patriarchy is seen as an obstacle to revolution, so only by abolishing patriarchy, redefining, or eliminating marriage, and nationalizing children will the revolution be possible.

Critical Theory focuses on two primary obstacles they believe caused the failure of the Western proletariat to revolt: the family and Christianity. Through resynthesizing and incorporating Freudianism and Marxism, an unholy postmodernist golem was created, establishing a relationship between fatherhood and the nation-state. Therefore, for the destruction of the nation-state, the pre-revolution would have to abolish fatherhood, triggering a cascade of destruction of both the family and the nation-state.

Now, incorporate all that and then distill Critical Theory down one more level and apply it to race, where every issue is explained by racial oppression.

Critical Race Theory incorporates all the themes of the Illuminati/Bilderberger/Trilateral Commission conspiracy, centers on a cabal of international bankers, intellectuals, and wealthy elites – mostly whites of European descent, many Jewish, some Nazi, almost exclusively male, all of whom are racists who meet in secret to plan and direct the oppression of blacks in America through systemic racism.

The nexus of left and right “conspiracy theory” is little more than the ongoing attempts of globalists and communists to foment revolution in the Western world in the face of a century of failure. Western culture proved too prosperous for too many for too long for economic issues to be leveraged, Religion and devotion to the family too resilient, so the collectivists chose to attack through playing the only card left, the race card.

A recent comment by an associate began a thought process – they said we stand to lose, not because we don’t know the rules of the game, but because we don’t even know what game is being played.

Conspiracy theories cease to be conspiracies or theories when they become obvious and based in material reality. Cultural Marxism, Critical Theory and Critical Race Theory are as much part of our reality as the UN, Davos, Agenda 21 and the Great Reset.

To know what game is being played is the first step to winning.

Getting around the Facebook Ban


One of the sites which has been banned on the Facebook platform is Quillette.

One way of bringing their articles [and other excellent sites' articles] is to put a link to either the site or to individual articles on a blog page owned by you or others.

Let's try it.

Here is Quillette's site articles for our readers on Facebook .....